Trauma Associated with Systemic Racism and Discrimination

Trauma Associated with Systemic Racism and Discrimination
Online Therapy for Trauma Associated with Individual and Systemic Racism and Discrimination

Online therapy is especially important when you wish to find professionals with cultural competency, to save time previously lost in traffic, time lost in waiting rooms, when you live far from urban centers, or when the patients are in more than one location, as well as greater flexibility of schedules. Many busy professionals are embracing technologies that empower patients and tele health therapists eliminating barriers of access for mental health.Such discriminations have a detrimental psychological impact and can have symptoms like those of post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), such as anger, depression, anxiety, low self esteem, hopelessness, insomnia, chest, and head aches, among others. Such trauma is often exacerbated by other trauma such as family violence and collective traumas suffered by their extended family and social network, as well as vicarious and indirect trauma when exposed, for example, to news coverage of police brutality as with George Floyd and many others. Many Indigenous North Americans are traumatized by the disproportionate number of suicides as well as incarceration, which is also the case for other minorities. In addition to the above such stress is aggravated by other health and social disparities.

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