The use of this therapy is often complementary to other treatments when traditional therapy is proven to be not enough. It is designed to help the individual gain insights and clarity on the hidden dynamics involved in family, how systemic constellations affected them and finding new understanding of the solutions.
Hellinger through his therapeutic work during more than 50 years observed that individuals inherit not only the physical genes of their ancestors but also subconsciously suffer from some past unresolved traumas. Some of these may include guilt, war, secrets, murder, death, abortions, marital affairs, divorce, or growing up without a father.
He also found that we often inherit beliefs that are unconscious, and which prevent us from healing, from changes in our behaviour. The object of the therapy is to discover these unconscious beliefs and free ourselves of those habits that prevent our growth, by gaining self knowledge and self awareness that can disentangle one from the cycle of generational suffering.